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Plan Your Successful Future as an Artist

Workbook That Will Help You Evaluate Your Current Art Skills and Set Goals For Your Art Career!

Would you like to make money with you passion for Art?

Hi everyone, my name is Anna and I’m a Digital Artist and a Blogger behind

I have had the pleasure to attend an Art University for Illustration Major. And that really taught me a lot of things about the art field.

However, the biggest takeaway for me was the realization of why artists DON’T make as much money as they deserve!

Do you ever have these thoughts?

Artists are known to be poor anyway, and I'm okay with it

NO NO NO. That's one of the biggest misconceptions in the creative industry. Have you heard anyone say "Photographer are poor", "Graphic Designers are poor", "Web designers are poor"? Maybe not so often... So why are you okay with "Artists are poor"?? Because to be honest, that's really not true.

I guess i can do this project for exposure

Hm... Sure you can! If it's your FIRST project ever - then maybe you should. But then more "exposure" projects will follow. And that won't pay your bills. Nevertheless, many artists keep doing stunning work for free hoping the right person will notice them. How successful are most artists?

I enjoy making art, so i shouldn't ask for money

Just because you are one of the luckies 1% of people on earth who actually enjoy their career - that doesn't mean you shouldn't get paid for it! It took you YEARS to learn your skills. You deserve to be valued.

i'll just draw what i want and one day i'll get famous

I have to admit - I am guilty of this one myself. I thought that if I create art that I love every day - then I will gain millions of followers on Instagram and make a lot of money. HA-HA! There are so many absolutely amazing and talented artists who share their work on social media, but only a few have the 6 Figure Subscribers.

If you think any of the thoughts above...

Then I’m truly sorry to break it to you, but success won’t be knocking on your doors any time soon.

And honestly, these are the thought of artists who have a lot of HOPE for their career, but DON’T HAVE AN ACTUAL PLAN.

Because when you set goals for your art path – you will not have the time to distract yourself with these doubts. You will only have the time to complete monthly/weekly/daily tasks that will lead you to succes.

And these can’t just be any random tasks like “draw for 30 minutes today”.

Because I don’t consider that planning. What’s your end goal? To say that you drew for like 3.5 hours this week?

Where will that take you in the long run?

Where would you like to go?

And you can’t just copy someones To-Do list even if your goals are alike.

Because your perception of values is different than theirs. And therefore your tasks will be different too.

The beauty of truly finding the way to achieving your goals is in it’s uniqueness.

You are unique.

And when you you find your unique tasks to success – that’s when you will achieve unbelievable results.

But how do you find YOUR unique tasks to success?

I've got it all planned for you.


Plan Your Successful Future As An Artist

Stop treating art as just another hobby!

Begin treating it as a business by evaluating where you are at, and planning achievable goals for the future.

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It is not one of your regular planners where you write your simple to-do lists.

It’s a WORKBOOK. That will be unique to you and your desires.


Some parts of it you just fill out  like a form. And in others – you will have to truly dive deep to discover the best plan of action for you right now.


This workbook, if completed  with honesty, will bring you something priceless – a clear vision.

And with that vision you will be able to move faster than ever – and reach success in your Art Career.

What's Inside:

artist planner ideas printable | planner for artists | artist goals life | artist workbook | creative planner | art goal setting list sheet

Chapter 1 - Present

This Workbook/Planner is divided into 3 parts.


The first part, PRESENT, is dedicated to evaluating and assessing your current art situation.


We will answer a couple of big questions and have a better understanding of where you are at.


Every business needs to understand where they stand, to then plan how to move forward.

And you need to begin treating your art as a business NOW.

Chapter 2 - Future

The second part of the workbook is called FUTURE.


And in it you will set your action steps and specific activities. I will explain more about what that is on the inside.


This is a short chapter, but very crucial. You will have to dive deep in the next chapter based on what you write here.

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artist planner ideas printable | planner for artists | artist goals life | artist workbook | creative planner | art goal setting list sheet

Chapter 3 - Do Now. Gain Later.

Chapter 3 is my most favorite and the most extensive part of the workbook.


This is the part where you find that “UNIQUE” action plan I was talking about earlier.


And I will help you do it with specific exercise sheets.


The name of this chapter comes from the idea that if you do things right now others don’t want to do – then you will be able to have the future they can’t have.

Only 1% of artists take the time to Assess, Evaluate, Plan and find their unique action plan.

Guess what’s the percentage of artists who succeed in building a career out of their passion?

And I don’t mean “succeed” in a way that they are able to make enough money with their art to simply get by.

I mean truly being successful, well-known and wealthy.

Yup. 1%

And if you decide to be the 1%

I will also have bonuses ready for you

Bonus #1 - 2021 Calendar

(Value $17, yours FREE)

To truly succeed after you completed the workbook you must take action!

And what’s better way to do it, then having a calendar with goals right at your workspace.

Bonus #2 - Lifetime Access and Updates

(Value $99, yours FREE)

How does a lifetime access sound?

You will be able to access all of these files from any of your devices at any time.

What’s more – you will download all of the files and keep them on your laptop/computer FOREVER 😉

AND if I make any changes/updates to the workbook you will get the updated version as well!

Let's Recap

Some of us know that we need to make an actual plan-of-action in order to succeed. But we often don’t know where to start.

And that’s where this workbook/planner comes in handy

Workbook in which you will go through 3 different chapters:

Present, Future and Do Now. Gain Later.

In them, you will be able to evaluate your current skills, and set an action plan for your 2 BIGGEST Artist’ goals (no, not something simple like “learn to draw hair” types)

The course of action sometimes changes, but the techniques of planning stay the same. And you will be able to print it off at any time and go through it again. Reevaluate.

Set Bigger Goals.

I want you to take action on the work you’ve done. And the best way to do it is to have your goals visible to you all at all times.

This calendar will help you do just that.

It’s the final piece of the puzzle.

artist planner ideas printable | planner for artists | artist goals life | artist workbook | creative planner | art goal setting list sheet

Ready to get started?


Full Access
$ 17
  • 2 Downloadable PDF files
  • Workbok/Planner
  • Bonus: Calendar
  • Lifetime Access and Updates

Still have some questions?

Most frequent questions and answers

I think that this workbook can bring an insane amount of value to artists who are ready to take their art seriously. And if you are ready to evaluate, set goals, plan and achieve great things – then yes, it is right for you.

It is not for you if you are already at the place you want to be. Or if you have a clear vision of your art goals and ways of achieving them. If that sounds like you, then you have it all figured out and you don’t necessarily need this workbook.

It’s a PDF file. You can print it off, or write on top of it using your tablet (if you have one).

But I highly recommend printing it off.


Once you get the product, you will be able to look at it from your browser or download it. And you will receive an email receipt that will also include a link to the file.

Yup! After you get the the workbook + calendar and download them – no matter what will happen in the crazy internet world you will be able to keep the files FOREVER! 🙂

Credit card security is extremely important to me. That’s why I partnered with respectable payment providers! Frankly, your credit card data is safer making an online purchase through my secure site than it is using it to pay for gas or buy food at a restaurant. So feel comfortable knowing your transaction is 100% completely protected from fraud.

Just click the big “Get the Workbook” button and you will be able to get started right away! You can choose your payment option and be all set for success in the next couple of minutes 🙂


Full Access
$ 17
  • 2 Downloadable PDF files
  • Workbok/Planner
  • Bonus: Calendar
  • Lifetime Access and Updates
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Plan Your Successful Future As An Artist – Workbook/Planner + Free Calendar



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