Animation Ideas Generator

Over 800+ Things to Animate When Bored – animation ideas generator! Perfect for beginners and experienced animators. 

Generate one feature at a time or all at once to find inspiration for your next animation project.

If you don’t like the generation – just click it again!

This tool is free to use as many times as you want 🙂
All I ask is that you share it with a friend who would have fun with it!

what to animate when bored - animation ideas generator

Table of Contents

What is an animation idea prompt?

An animation idea prompt is simply a helpful idea or a guideline meant to inspire creators and give them the next art project goal to tackle.

Animation Idea Generator Tutorial

1) Pick one of the 6 features you want to generate and click it to see a randomly generated art prompt.

animation idea list - what to animate when bored

  • or you can also press the “Generate All Prompts At The Same Time” to see all art prompts show up simultaneously.
    (I prefer doing them individually; I find it more exciting!)

2) If you don’t like any of the prompt ideas, you can regenerate them simultaneously by clicking the “Generate All Prompts At The Same Time” button.

  • or if you like most of them, just refresh the ones you don’t like.

  • tip: for the ultimate challenge, try combining multiple animation ideas into one crazy animation, how fun!

3) Take a screenshot of the results or copy the environment generator ideas somewhere so you don’t lose them. It’s time to begin drawing a unique creature design!

animation ideas generator of art prompts - what to animate when bored, animation idea list

Animation Ideas Generator Features

This generator for animation ideas has six different variables. You can choose to use all of them or only some. Here’s what they represent:

  • Character Animation ideas: simple character actions, emotions or interactions, like waving a hand.
  • Slice of Life: things and actions present in our daily lives and mundane activities, like making coffee.
  • Environmental Animation Ideas: nature landscapes, places, animals, and events, like forest fires.
  • Situations and Stories Animation Ideas: human or animal interactions with the world, like a dog chasing its tail.
  • Fantasy – Sci-Fi Animation Ideas: fantasy worlds, objects and entities, like a futuristic soldier. (but what action you animate them in is up to you!)
  • Abstract and Effects Animation Ideas: natural, action or abstract effects, like swirling smoke.

Ideas of ways to use these Animation Prompts

  • find what to animate when bored
  • use these prompts to generate an idea for an original animation.
  • use it as a funny art prompt generator to make up some ridiculous animated stories.
  • design storyboards for potential animations.
  • use the prompts to complete animation exercises
  • create short, eye-catching animations tailored for social media platforms.
  • use it as a starting point to spark your creativity if you are feeling stuck.

Why Use an Animation Idea Generator?

You should use an animation idea generator if you are looking for quick ideas to practice, feeling bored, fighting an art block or want to animate something you would’ve never come up with yourself. 

Improve Your Art Skills

It is my goal to grow this blog to feature every art topic that will inspire you or help you grow as an artist. And while that hasn’t happened yet, I do have some awesome stuff to share with you!

Check out these helpful resources:

Why Animation Art Prompt Generator?

As an artist myself, I know that sometimes art creation can be as easy as breathing! While as other times, starting at a blank piece of paper and not being able to start sketching right away sucks.

Creativity is a fickle thing, but if you have the persistence to continue drawing and creating art even if you don’t feel like it – success will follow. Art prompts sometimes make it easier.

I created this list of animation ideas as an idea generator because I didn’t find enough variety in the tools that are out there. Sure, there are some great apps and websites, but some are paid, and most don’t include all of the categories that I wanted for myself.

Art is personal.

Some of you might find that I didn’t include enough categories either, or maybe you have no interest in some of the prompts, and that’s OK.

Hopefully, some of these art prompt categories will be just what you need, and you will be filled with inspiration to keep going and create another incredible animation.

Even if this helps one artist, I will be incredibly happy. Thank you for using my animation prompts generator!

animation ideas generator of art prompts - what to animate when bored, animation idea list

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800+ Animation Ideas Generator – Things To Animate When Bored



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