If you are reading this blog, chances are that you are aware of who Bob Ross was. He was, and is, surely one of the most iconic people in the world of art, a painter and a host of his own TV show dedicated to landscape painting.

And it wouldn’t be correct to say that even those who are not artists have probably seen his show. That is because he truly believed that everyone is an artist, and everyone can develop their abilities if they want to, and he spread these wholesome ideas into the world.

Bob Ross hosted his show with love, and his famous memorable quotes about art and life were a huge part of his “brand”. He made everyone feel like they are worthy, talented, capable of everything they want to do. So why not carry on his legacy and keep on spreading these quotes?

We collected some lovely designed t-shirts that are related to Bob Ross’s quotes, his art and himself.

Why are there so many? Because all the designs are lovely. After all, there can be no mistakes in art (or design), just happy little accidents. *wink*

#1. No Mistakes, Just Happy Accidents – Classic T-Shirt

No Mistakes, Just Happy Accidents Classic T-Shirt

Simple and minimalistic, this shirt will be a perfect addition to any look, no matter what style or color you would choose. The only thing that matters is the print and the quote on it, and it’s impossible to argue with the statement that it contains. Oh, and there are mountains and trees on this print as well! Don’t they look really happy to you?

2. Bob Ross Doodle – Chiffon Top

The lovely watercolor doodle reflects all of the traits of Bob Ross that we know and love in a cute cartoonish way. His puffy hair, shirt and jeans, and an irreplaceable palette in his hand. This design looks really cute, and the soft pastel colors of that illustration will look great with any outfit.

3. Happy Little Mountains – Unisex T-Shirt

Happy Little Mountains Unisex T-Shirt

This design and quote unite all of us – mountain lovers, landscape painters (as well as photographers), and Bob Ross fans. Mountains are perfect subjects for painting in general because no matter what, they aren’t planning on going anywhere. Express your love for mountains AND Bob Ross with this shirt!

4. Bob Ross Magic Hair – V-Neck

The illustration on this shirt shows exactly what a magical being Bob Ross was. A true magician in his field, he created over 30 thousand paintings in his lifetime (according to his own words), and that can surely count as creating an entire magical world. A world full of joyful landscapes of all sorts.

5. Happy Tree – V-Neck

Ah, the happy little trees. Aren’t they all lovable and wholesome? To be honest, it’s absolutely okay to befriend trees or to own a shirt with a tree on it. This print looks very cute and will make you and all the people around you a little happier when they see it.

6. Bob Sloth

Who doesn’t love sloths? If sloths had human voices, they would probably speak like Bob Ross spoke – with a low, soothing, ASMR-like voice. The design of the shirt portrays one very recognizable Bob Sloth with one of his paintings. The paint colors on the sloth’s palette aren’t exactly the very canonical choice, but other than that, it’s a really cute print.

7. Happy Little Trees

The bright and modern design will make this t-shirt stand out. It catches the eye and directs attention to probably one of the most famous quotes of Bob Ross. The quote is also surrounded by minimalistic trees, so it doesn’t look lonely.

8. All The Tools You Need To Make Happy Little Trees Unisex T-Shirt

All The Tools You Need To Make Happy Little Trees Unisex T-Shirt

Speaking of painting happy little trees – Bob Ross’s painting tools were also a huge part of his painting style. He used to say that you could paint an entire Mona Lisa using just a flat brush – and it was absolutely true that a flat brush is an irreplaceable instrument in his painting technique. As well as some other tools pictured on this lovely illustration.

9. #HappyClouds

Hashtag happyclouds. A simple, minimalistic and very modern way of telling the world that you’re a fan of Bob Ross and his art. No matter what color of the t-shirt you decide to choose, the print on it would be well-seen, easily read and nice looking.

10. Happy Little Trees Unisex T-Shirt

Happy Little Trees Unisex T-Shirt

This shirt’s design features a whole bunch of happy little trees. In fact, that’s how it should be. No one should be alone, and even trees can have friends. This famous quote about happy little trees goes very well with another famous quote of Bob Ross, that it’s okay to have a tree as a friend. And this t-shirt is a symbol of a lovely friendship.

11. This Is Your World – Unisex T-Shirt

BOB ROSS Unisex T-Shirt

A very cute and stylish cartoonish illustration portrays Bob Ross himself and one of his most inspiring quotes. Indeed, this world belongs to you and you can create anything. So why not remind yourself, as well as the people around you, of this inspiring fact while wearing a t-shirt with a lovely print on it?

12. Bob Ross – Who I Am Inside – Unisex T-Shirt

Bob Ross - Who I Am Inside Unisex T-Shirt

No matter how weird it sounds, everyone is a little bit Bob Ross on the inside. Anyone who has ever seen his TV show or watched it online has a part of his wisdom in their heart. We remember his quotes to this day, which means that they mean a lot to us and we follow the things he taught us. So when will our mirrors show that each one of us is, in fact, Bob Ross?

13. Happy Little Colors – Unisex T-Shirt

Happy Little Colors Unisex T-Shirt

Did you know that you can actually have a limited color palette to paint almost everything? Bob Ross actually showed that through his own experience. This shirt lists (probably) every color that he had used on his TV show, and all of the landscapes that he created before our very own eyes were done with these versatile colors. You can create any color and build your world up from the most basic elements that you have!

14. Pixel Ross – Unisex T-Shirt

Pixel Ross Unisex T-Shirt

Pixel art is a lovely tribute to modern art, and when combined with a reference to Bob Ross, it makes a combination that can never lose. By the way, isn’t it just amazing that the figure of Bob Ross can be recognized even in the simplest shapes?   

15. Jurassic Ross

Another combination of popular things that we love – Bob Ross and the Jurassic Park franchise. If you love both of them, this shirt would be a perfect choice for you to wear all day every day. The design is bright and it will stand out in any kind of crowd.

16. Let’s build a little happy cloud Classic T-Shirt

let's build a little happy cloud Classic T-Shirt

Trees aren’t the only little things that can be happy! In fact, all the things can be little and happy, if not in life, then, at least, in the way you paint them. And clouds are not the exception. This t-shirt with a lovely quote of our maestro Bob Ross will happily remind you of all the joys of painting.

17. There are No Mistakes…

This t-shirt design is here to remind us all again that there can be no mistakes in art, so we shouldn’t be afraid of making them. Even though getting this shirt wouldn’t be a mistake, or an accident, at all. It has an amazing illustration on it, and its round shape makes it look stylish on every possible type of shirt.

18. Beat The Devil Out of It

What do we do with the brushes after we clean them? We beat the devil out of them to leave no extra water on them. That’s what Bob Ross taught us to do in every video of his. With a little giggle, he beat the devil out of his brushes every time to make sure there is absolutely no devil left in them. This shirt can be a good reminder for every painter to leave no excess water because we all can forget about that from time to time, especially when we’re busy.

19. Happy Trees – Long T Shirt

The lovely watercolor illustration on this t-shirt is here to make everyone love all the happy little trees once again. Trees are great, and it also feels great to draw them. It can also be a message about environmental awareness, which makes this quote twice as good.

20. Digital Art Studio

Is digital art easier than traditional art? Does it have less soul in it than traditional art does? Absolutely not. This t-shirt unites all Bob Ross fans who are also digital artists and tells us that all artists and styles matter. That’s what Bob himself would have probably said, and we shouldn’t have doubts about it.

21. I guess I’m A Little Weird

“I guess I’m a little weird”, says one of Bob Ross’s quotes. Well, aren’t we all? It’s okay to be weird because all people are unique and nobody is the same. Wear this shirt proudly if you’re feeling a little weird, because one of the greatest people in the world said that, and everyone could possibly relate to this quote as well.

22. Banana Bob Ross

This t-shirt’s design is funny, yet, no matter how weird it sounds, easily recognizable. Could you possibly make a banana look like Bob Ross? Well, the creator of this print did, and it’s absolutely amazing. Bananas are tasty, good for your health, and they bring you happiness – and now they also remind you of Bob Ross. What a great job it is that they’re doing!

23. Bob Ross Anime Classic

A possibly strange combination of Bob Ross and anime wouldn’t seem strange to anime lovers at all. In fact, none of the combinations in the world of art are strange. Bob could’ve easily been an amazing anime superhero, eliminating evil with kindness, acceptance and soothing voice. The power of art at its best.

24. Time to Make Some Big Decisions

Now that we’ve learned that we shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes, there’s another important lesson. Sometimes we have to make big important decisions as well. But with the experience, we find out that it’s not actually scary, and that’s what Bob Ross taught us as well. No matter if you’re deciding where to put a mountain on your canvas or something bigger – it’s your world, and you’re the creator of it.

There’s a piece of advice we can give you. It’s easy to get lost in all of this variety of t-shirts that are out there, so our recommendation is to follow your heart and to know what you’re looking for. No matter if it’s a gift or you’re buying it for yourself, the t-shirt you choose should feel like the right thing.

And now all of the Bob Ross fans out there can easily recognize each other on the streets. Isn’t it great that we have the chance to express our interests that way?

Bob Ross was, for sure, an incredible person, and while his works might have seemed too simple to many people, he wasn’t famous because of super-detailed paintings or bold political messages. He was famous because he made us feel like we’re appreciated, equally gifted, and we can achieve our dreams.

That is why lots of people still love the work that he did, and that is why we think that it’s important to keep spreading his quotes and commemorate him. And by getting t-shirts you also support the artists who created the print designs, which is a great thing to do!

Hanna is an artist, poet and musician who lives in Minsk, Belarus. She loves food, cats, gigs and esoteric stuff.
write for your art path and share your art story with me
Author: Hanna Martsynkevich
Artist and Writer