It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. — Albus Dumbledore
Harry Potter is a series of fantasy novels written by J. K. Rowling. The first book “The Philosopher’s Stone” was published in 1997 – and since then Harry Potter’s adventures magically transfer their readers to the fantastical world of Hogwarts, magic wands and beautiful creatures!
It’s now been 21 years since we first met Harry, Hermione, Ron, Dumbledore and so many other talented wizards! We followed them through their adventures, grasped our breath when they got into trouble and laughed together with them when someone was being silly (thanks, Ron!).
They became a big part of our growing up, and still, we tend to binge watch all the parts together with friends when we feel nostalgic 🙂
In honor of the book and the film series artists from all around the world to this day constantly create Harry Potter Fan Art, and I’m here to share with you 12 of my favorite takes on such a familiar and close to my heart story ♥.
Enjoy it, share it and play this song while you are at it 😉
- Update: There is a new blog post that might be of interest to you, “23 Unique Gifts For Harry Potter Fans”!
Harry Potter Fan Art in 12 Magical Styles
1. Giada Gatti – “Harry Potter and The Missing Portfolio”
- Giada Gatti is a freelance Illustrator based in Italy, check out more of their work on Instagram.
If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.
— Sirius Black
2. Dani Diez and His Marvelous Sketches
- Dani Diez is an Art Director at Square-Enix Montreal, you can see more of their work on Instagram.
It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends. — Albus Dumbledore
3. Maria Luisa Di Gravio – “At Hogwarts” Series Of Illustrations
- Maria Luisa Di Gravio is a freelance illustrator based in Rome, Italy. You can check out more of their work on Instagram.
It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live. ― Albus Dumbledore
4. Alex Dos Diaz – “After All This Time”
- Alex Dos Diaz is an Artist and freelance Illustrator. You can check out our interview with him, “Artist Interview #9 – Alex Dos Diaz Uruguay Artist Based in the U.S.” and some more of his art on Instagram.
I hope you’re pleased with yourselves. We could all have been killed — or worse, expelled. Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to bed. ― Hermione Granger
5. Daniela Sosa and her Harry Potter Characters Fan Art
- Daniela Sosa is a freelance Illustrator based in Romania, you can check out more of their art on Instagram.
I think I’ll just go down and have some pudding and wait for it all to turn up — it always does in the end. ― Luna Lovegood
6. Marcelo R Souza – and His Outstanding 3D Model of Hermione
- Marcelo R Souza is an experienced 3D Generalist and Motion Designer, you can find more of his works on Behance. He also participated in our other fan art collection – “Stranger Things Gorgeous Fan Art From 21 Artists”.
Just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn’t mean we all have. ― Hermione Granger
7. Kristina Vardazaryan – Severus Snape Fan Art
- Kristina Vardazaryan currently works at Paramount Pictures Animation studio as a visual development artist. You can find more of her works on Instagram.
I mean, it’s sort of exciting, isn’t it, breaking the rules? — Hermione Granger
8. Angie Blakewood and Her Magical Illustrations
A post shared by Angie Blakewood (@fate221) on
A post shared by Angie Blakewood (@fate221) on
- Angie Blakewood is an Illustrator from Kiev, you can find more of her works on Instagram.
‘After all this time?’
‘Always’ said Snape. ― Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
9. Margaux Kindhauser and Her Beautifully Illustrated HP Spoilers
- Margaux Kindhauser is a Swiss comic book artist, check out more of her work on Instagram.
10. Beatrice Blue and Her Magical Illustrations
- Beatrice Blue is a Visual Development Artist/Illustrator from Canada. I had a pleasure of interviewing her in the past “Artist Interview #2 – Featuring B. Blue”, so be sure to check that out! Also, you can find more of her work on Instagram.
We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are. ― Sirius Black
11. Aljona Koshkar and Her Colored Pencils Masterpieces
- Aljona Koshkar is an artist from Russia, you can find more of her work on Instagram.
Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real? ― Albus Dumbledore
12. Jazz Miranda and Her Gorgeous Moments in The Story Art
- Jazz Miranda is a freelance Illustrator from Brazil, you can find more of their work on Instagram.
Next Step
Check out this new awesome blog post “23 Unique Gifts For Harry Potter Fans”!
Final Words
Woah all of them are magical, aren’t they?
Here is my little quick sketch as well, I didn’t include it in the list, but rather as a side note 🙂
Comment down below which Harry Potter Fan Art piece put a spell on you! 😉
And from what other famous movie/TV show/cartoon you would like to see a collection of artworks like this one?
Feel free to Pin these artworks to your Pinterest boards for future inspirations! ?
- Oh, and don’t forget to subscribe to our email list and follow us on social media if you would like to read our future posts!
- Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram.
Good luck on Your Art Path,
– Anna, Your Art Bud ?
Blog Posts to check out next → “Stranger Things Gorgeous Fan Art From 21 Artists”
and → ”How To Draw A Dragon – Tips From 5 Artists”
4 Responses
Thanks for featuring my artwork in this ♥
Thanks for creating such beautiful fan art, Miranda!!
It was my pleasure working with you <3
Angie blakewoods art and message really brought tears to my eyes. so true.. on a happier note, I love the snape and lily ones, and your sketch is really cute, I love the style.
sooo good