Today I want to share with you the new awesome Procreate 4.3 Update!

Now, the Procreate App has 2 new awesome features:

  • The ability to add text
  • And exporting layers as animated GIFs 🙂

You can keep reading to find out how to use these features, or you can also check out the video tutorial I recorded for you:

Related Resources:

So, are you excited about the new Procreate 4.3 update?? It’s actually so cool! There are a lot of incredible new features, but my favorites are text and animated gifs!

Let’s dive right in and I’ll show you how to use the two…

Procreate Adding Text:

  1. Go to the Setting or Actions Menu and you will see a new option “Add Text”

Then you can begin editing it. And let’s say we want to say OMG because we are so excited about this new feature! From this menu you can:

  • move it around
  • change the box size
  • change the size and the spacing in between letters
  • change the color
  • adjust opacity
  • and many other different options.

It does remind me of Photoshop or Word Docs in the sense of these different text features.

On the left, you have different font choices that you can use. There are a lot of them, but you can also add your own fonts!

All you have to is click on “import fonts”, then choose the file and it will be imported right away.


The font I use in the video tutorial is the “Nightcall Script”. To tell you a secret, it’s one of my favorite script fonts!

You can also import your own fonts if you like creating them!

In order to change the color you would just have to go to the color wheel and select one from there.

When you go to layers you will see that this text layer looks a little bit different than the rest! That means that you can still click on it and choose “Edit Text”.

But if you decide to add some cool textures or features to the layer, then it will get rasterized and you won’t be able to edit it as text anymore.

Procreate app video tutorial for beginners
Save Me to Pinterest! 🙂

Procreate Animated Gifs

Now I want to show you my second favorite feature inside of the new Procreate Update.

If you go to settings -> share you will notice a new option “Animated GIF”.


If you click on it, you will see what the GIF looks like. Here you can edit the speed at which layers show as well as the resolution at which you want to export it.

If you’re planning to post it somewhere on social media – “full resolution” could be great! But if you want to post it on a blog, just like I did below, then you should choose “web ready” so it’s smaller in size.

So these are the two new best features inside of the Procreate App!

I thought you would love them, so I created this mini-overview!

Now, go ahead and explore, play around – this is so much fun!!

I used to create GIFs in Photoshop, but now I will definitely use Procreate!

If you created some cool GIFs in Procreate, don’t be shy and leave a link to them down below in the comments section!

I would love to see them  😍